Supported Housing for 
Young Asylum Seekers  
We take care of everything and everyone.
A special place for you, building a special community. 

We took in our first young person in August 2022 and now have placements in Leicester with 24 hour support on site, 
and two bedroomed houses and solo accomodation with floating support.
Your keyworker will be a qualified social worker with 8 year's experience of UASC 
and age assessment trained. 

24 hours, 7 days a week collection and safe haven within Operation Innerste.

We can offer a solo placement alongside a Merton compliant age assessment which we shall undertake on your behalf as independant assessors.  

Within your weekly fee we provide comprehensive social work reports, brief enquiries of age, reports to compliment Merton age assessments, as well as education, gym, therapy, unlimited support hours... and Sky Sports.

Our staff speak Somali, Arabic and English, 
and we are always seeking staff with other languages.

Alongside a keyworker, your young person will be matched with a mentor 
from our staff team.

We believe that young asylum seekers should live with others in the same situation as them and not with 'care experienced' young people.

We offer an 0800 number, so our young people can call us without using credit.   

We have an 'independent visitor' who visit to ensure our young people have a voice.

We provide professional care, ready for regulation 
Ofsted URN: .2769266 

0800 001 6298 or 07871 642351


To provide the best and safest support to young people who are seeking asylum in the UK.
To help them overcome trauma and distress and live fulfilling and engaging lives in the UK.
To support trafficked and at risk people with the best help targeted to their individual needs.

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